Beginning Classes
Level 101 (7 weeks $185.00* + $25 registration fee)
No knowledge of Spanish required. Students will practice the present tense and the future. They will learn to express likes and dislikes, to talk about themselves, and to carry out short conversations. Students are encouraged to start speaking Spanish from day one.
Mondays 6:00pm – 8:00pm (limit 5 people) In person.
02/05/2024, ends 03/18/2024
Level 102
For people who can communicate in the present. Students practice with the reflexive verbs and the preterite. Classes are mostly in Spanish. (Max. 10 people)
Tuesdays 5:30pm – 7:30pm Via Zoom
02/06/24, ends 03/19/24
Level 103 (7 weeks $185.00* + $25 registration fee)
Students practice the preterite and the imperfect. They review all the tenses. Classes are in Spanish.
Intermediate Classes
Level 104
Students practice the Imperative and review all tenses, especially the preterite and the imperfect. They also practice with the imperative. Classes are in Spanish.
Level 105 (7 weeks $185.00* + $25 registration fee)
Students study and practice with the present subjunctive. Classes are in Spanish.
Mondays 5:30pm – 7:30pm Via Zoom.
02/05/2024, ends 03/18/24
Level 106 (7 weeks $185.00* + $25 registration fee)
Students study and practice the past subjunctive. Classes are in Spanish.
Advanced Classes
Private tutoring available.
¡Hablemos de Anime en español!

En esta clase hablaremos solamente en español con una maestra que ha hecho una selección de películas en el género anime.
Los estudiantes recibirán como tarea ver una película antes de la clase. Durante la clase los estudiantes dialogarán acerca del tema, los personajes, los simbolismos, etc.
(6 weeks $110.00* + $25 registration fee)
Jueves de 6:00 pm a 7:30 pm via Zoom
02/29/24, ends 04/04/24
Cupo Máximo de 8 personas
Registration is open now. Classes are subject to cancellation if not enough students register. Our classes are very small.
Placement test – Make an appointment by calling 612-327-0115. Placement tests are held over the phone or via Zoom.
*plus the registration fee of $25.00 (non-refundable after the first class)